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Geospatial Search Form

Download your search form here:
GeospatialSearch2023.pdf​ (PDF)
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​GeospatialSearch2023.pdf​ (PDF)

​For further information on freehold land click here: Freehold land​

Geospatial Searches

What is a request for a spatial search of Tribunal register information?

The Native Title Registrar maintains three registers: the Register of Native Title Claims, the National Native Title Register and the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements. The Tribunal also maintains a schedule of native title applications which includes all applications, irrespective of whether they have been registered. Persons or organisations can request a search of the register and schedule information to find out whether an area of land or water is covered by a native title matter. ​​​

Download search form

Download the search form from the panel to the right.

The form is available in two versions - as a Word template you can complete in Word, and as a PDF that can be printed and completed manually.

Please email your completed search form to: GeospatialSearch@NNTT.Gov.Au​

For assistance, or to request a copy of the form be sent to you, e-mail​

Assistance with the search form

Your assistance in providing information in the correct format will ensure that your search request is dealt with as efficiently as possible.

Please Note:

  • Specify only one jurisdiction (e.g. Queensland) and one type of tenure (e.g. mining tenement) per form. You can add up to 20 separate tenements or parcels per search request. For more than 20 parcels or tenements please submit additional search requests or contact GeospatialSearch@NNTT.Gov.Au​ to discuss your requirements.

    Note: if your area of interest cannot be clearly identified from the search form, or is not held in NNTT datasets, we may instead provide search results for a surrounding local government area, or other suitable regional area.​

  • Freehold land.

    Under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), the valid grant of a freehold estate (other than certain types of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land) on or before 23 December 1996 is known as a 'previous exclusive possession act'. This means that native title has been extinguished over the area. Native title claimants are not allowed to include land and waters covered by previous exclusive possession acts in their applications; therefore they would normally exclude freehold areas. A native title application may, however, be made over freehold land on the basis that freehold was invalidly granted, but the chances of this happening are very low. See here for further information on freehold land: Freehold Land​​​

    The NNTT is not the custodian of the data for freehold estates. To determine whether a particular parcel of land is freehold land, you may wish to seek such information from the relevant state government custodian.

  • Cultural Heritage in NSW.

    The National Native Title Tribunal has undertaken steps to remove itself from the formal list of sources for information about indigenous groups in development areas. The existence or otherwise of native title is quite separate to any matters relating to Aboriginal cultural heritage. Information on native title claims, native title determinations and Indigenous Land Use Agreements is available on the Tribunal's website.

  • Spatial searches rely on data obtained from the relevant custodian. Whilst efforts are taken to update such datasets on a regular basis, the collection and interpretation of such datasets may be influenced by a number of factors that can impact of the completeness and accuracy of your search results.​
How long will the search take?

It may take up to three working days to provide you with your search results when you submit conventional search criteria (tenement or non freehold parcel identifiers). It may take up to five working days for more complex searches. The Tribunal will contact you if a result cannot be provided within this timeframe.

What you will receive

Your search request will be answered with a table showing your tenement or parcel listing the native title matters it overlaps with. The native title matters will consist of relevant records from:·        
  • Native Title Determination Applications as lodged in the Federal Court (NTDA Schedule​).        
  • Registered Native Title Determination Applications (NTDA Register).     
  • Native Title Determinations (Determinations).       
  • Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs).​
Example Results:

Tenement or Parcel ID ​Alt ID​ Feature Area SqKm​​​
NNTT file number
​Overlap Area SqKm ​%Selected Feature
​PL N050237 Glenayle ​1105.6312 WCD2016/002 Birriliburu #3 Determinations ​1105.6312 ​100.00%
​PL N050237 Glenayle ​1981.1800 WCD2016/002 Birriliburu #3
​1981.1800 ​​100.00%
​996.6025 SC2015/002 Malyankapa Peoples
 Applications (Schedule)
​565.3019 ​56.72%
EL5764 ​996.6025
Malyankapa Peoples Applications (RNTC) ​565.3019 ​​56.72%
EL5764 ​996.6025 SCD2015/001 Adnyamathanha No. 1 Determinations ​431.5175 ​​43.30%


While the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) and the Native Title Registrar (Registrar) have exercised due care in ensuring the accuracy of the information provided, it is provided for general information only and on the understanding that neither the NNTT, the Registrar nor the Commonwealth of Australia is providing professional advice. Appropriate professional advice relevant to your circumstances should be sought rather than relying on the information provided. In addition, you must exercise your own judgment and carefully evaluate the information provided for accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance for the purpose for which it is to be used.

The information provided is often supplied by, or based on, data and information from external sources, therefore the NNTT and Registrar cannot guarantee that the information is accurate or up-to-date.
The NNTT and Registrar expressly disclaim any liability arising from the use of this information.

This information should not be relied upon in relation to any matters associated with cultural heritage.​
