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Application Details

Malyankapa Peoples (SC2015/002)

Application name Malyankapa Peoples
Tribunal file no. SC2015/002
Federal Court file no. SAD359/2015
Application type Claimant
Date filed 30/09/2015
State or Territory South Australia
Area description The application area extends from Cameron Corner at the intersection of the borders of South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales, extending west to Lake Callabonna and south to the boundary of native title application SAD33/2012 Wilyakali.
Approximate area size (sq km) 17958.5910
Local government area(s) Pastoral Unincorporated Area
Representative A/TSI body area(s) Greater South Australia
Applicant's representative Camatta Lempens Lawyers
Dates registered on the Register of Native Title Claims Registered from 22/03/2016 to 10/11/2020
Application status Discontinued

Registration Decision(s)

Tribunal file no.Decision resultDecision typeDecision dateReason for decisionLink to Register
SC2015/002-1AcceptedFull Decision 22/03/2016 pdf


No determinations of native title have been made for this application