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Future Act Determination Details

WA - Future Act Determination - WO2014/0435

NNTTA 18 (1 May 2015)
Western Australia  
Ms Helen Shurven (Member)
​Raymond William Ashwin & Ors on behalf of the Wutha People   (native title party)
The State of Western Australia   (Government party)
Heavy Metal Exploration Pty Ltd   (grantee party)
An inquiry into an expedited procedure objection application
Objection - Dismissed
Native title party: Ron Harrington-Smith
Government party: Bethany Conway, Department of Mines and Petroleum
Grantee party: Hong-Jim Saw, Hetherington Exploration & Mining Title Services Pty Ltd
​Native title – future act – proposed grant of exploration licence - expedited procedure objection application – failure to comply with directions – expedited procedure objection application dismissed.
Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) s 148(b); Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) s 29;
​Judy Hughes on behalf of Thalanji/Western Australia/Regent Resources Limited; Ochre Resources Ltd, [2006] NNTTA 18 (‘Hughes v Regent Resources and Ochre Resources’)