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Appointments to National Native Title Tribunal


The National Native Title Tribunal is pleased to announce the appointment of a new President and Native Title Registrar:

  • Mr Kevin Smith, President 
  • Ms Katie Stride, Native Title Registrar

Mr Kevin Smith, President

Mr Smith is the first First Nations person to be appointed as President of the Tribunal. A Torres Strait Islander man, he has traditional connections to Ugar (Stephen Island) and Erub (Darnley Island).

Mr Smith has been the Chief Executive Officer of Queensland South Native Title Services since 2008. He has held senior positions with the National Native Title Tribunal, the National Secretariat of Torres Strait Islander Organisations and the Brisbane Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service.

Mr Smith’s five-year appointment will commence on 10 July 2023.

Ms Katie Stride, Native Title Registrar

Ms Stride has worked at the Federal Court of Australia since 2016, initially as a Registrar, Native Title and since 2018 as National Judicial Registrar – Native Title. Ms Stride holds a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Laws and has been admitted to the High Court of Australia and the Supreme Courts of the Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia and Queensland.

Ms Stride’s appointment will commence on 7 August 2023.

For more information, see the Attorney-General’s media release​.
