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Future Act Determination Details

WA - Future Act Determination - WO2013/1147

NNTTA 71 (24 July 2014)
Western Australia  
Ms Helen Shurven (Member)
​Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation (WCD2013/002) (native title party)
The State of Western Australia (Government party)
Chad Graeme Johnson/Neale Graeme Johnson (grantee party)
An inquiry into an expedited procedure objection application
Objection - Dismissed
​Representative of the native title party: Mr Matthew Kinder, Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation
Representative of the Government party: Ms Bethany Conway, Department of Mines and Petroleum
Representative of the grantee party: Mr Chad Graeme Johnson
​Native title – future act – proposed grant of prospecting licence – expedited procedure objection application – failure to comply with directions – objection application dismissed.
Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) s 148(b); Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) s 29;
​Teelow v Page (2001) 166 FLR 266