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Future Act Determination Details

WA - Future Act Determination - Bulk Dismissal WO2013/0906 etc

WO2013/0906; WO2013/0971; WO2013/1131; WO2013/1122; WO2013/1293; WO2013/1294; WO2013/1299; WO2013/1300; WO2013/1344; WO2014/0110; WO2014/0331; WO2014/0358; WO2014/0367
NNTTA 60 (4 July 2014)
Western Australia  
Ms Helen Shurven (Member)
Native title parties as listed in the attached schedule  (native title parties)
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State of Western Australia      (Government party)
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Grantee parties as listed in the attached schedule   (grantee parties)
An inquiry into expedited procedure objection applications
Objection - Dismissed
Native title – future acts – proposed grant of exploration and prospecting permits – expedited procedure objection applications – applications for exploration and prospecting permits withdrawn – expedited procedure objection applications dismissed.
Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) s 148(a); Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) s 29;