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The material on this website is provided for general information only. The Australian Government, the National Native Title Tribunal, and its Members, employees and agents accept no liability for and give no undertakings, guarantees or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or fitness for purpose of the information provided. The contents of this website are not intended to be, nor should they be, relied upon as a substitute for legal or other professional advice. No reliance should be placed on the information provided when making a decision affecting your own interest. Links to other websites are provided for the user’s convenience and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites, or any associated organisation, products or services.


The National Native Title Tribunal encourages the sharing and exchange of information provided on this website. The Commonwealth owns the copyright in all material produced by this organisation. All material presented on this website is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence, with the exception of:·        

  • the Commonwealth Coat of Arms
  • this organisation’s logo
  • content supplied by third parties.

The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative Commons website, as is the full legal code for the CC BY 4.0 license.


Material obtained from this website is to be attributed to this organisation as:

© Commonwealth of Australia 2017. 

Third party copyright

Wherever a third party holds copyright in material presented on this website, the copyright remains with that party. Their permission may be required to use the material. This organisation has made all reasonable efforts to:

  • clearly label material where the copyright is owned by a third party
  • ensure that the copyright owner has consented to this material being presented on this website.  

Using the Commonwealth Coat of Arms

The terms under which the Coat of Arms can be used are detailed on the It's an Honour website.